Ann Weintraub, Ltd. is a boutique real estate firm with a reputation for selling in the most prestigious doorman buildings in lower Manhattan.
Ms. Weintraub has been selling real estate in Manhattan since 1982. In 1984 she opened the company that still bears her name today, and she has specialized in the sale of co-ops and condos in Greenwich Village for over 30 years. Ann has become known for her firm's representation of unusual and special apartments - be they unusually large units, penthouse apartments or unique, one-of-a-kind homes. She is proud of the unparalleled service her firm always provides to her sellers and to her buyers.
Ms. Weintraub was honored to be chosen by the New York Times as the broker profiled in their series “One in 8 Million,” where they called her the Blue Chip Broker. She was featured in both the print edition and in the online series.
Ms. Weintraub's other press clippings include the New York Times articles Getting a Foothold: The Cheapest Listings in Famous New York Buildings and Undaunted by Giants: Small Brokerages Hold Their Own and in New York Magazine The Downtown Co-op of All Downtown Co-ops Inside One Fifth Avenue.
Ann is always available to meet you in person (whether you are a buyer or a seller) to discuss your particular needs, be it an overview of the market, a specific appraisal, or her marketing approach.
While Ms. Weintraub is known for her many sales in the landmark building, One Fifth Avenue, her other sales have included apartments in the following buildings:
2 Fifth Avenue
11 Fifth Avenue (The Brevoort)
39 Fifth Avenue
40 Fifth Avenue
41 Fifth Avenue
43 Fifth Avenue
51 Fifth Avenue
38 West 9th Street (The Portsmouth)
15 West 11th Street
155 West 11th Street (The Greenwich Lane)
15 West 12th Street
31-33 West 12th Street
37 West 12th Street (The Butterfield House)
59 West 12th Street
79 West 12th Street
150 West 12th Street (The Greenwich Lane)
299 West 12th Street
32 Washington Square West
20 East 9th Street (The Brevoort East)
45 East 9th Street
55 East 9th Street
28 East 10th Street (The Devonshire House)
40-50 East 10th Street
70 East 10th Street (The Stewart House)
16 East 11th Street
220 East 12th Street